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Théatre National > Studio

La puissance d’agir des opprimés

The Power of the Oppressed to Act

With Michel Kokoreff (Sociologist, author of La force des quartiers. De la délinquance à l’engagement politique [The strength of neighborhoods: From delinquency to political commitment), Bernard Hengchen (Professor at Helha, Cardijn Institute), Mathieu Sonck (Inter-Environnement Bruxelles), Christine Mahy (Réseau wallon de lutte contre la pauvreté [Walloon Anti-Poverty Network]) and Philippon Toussaint (Traces de rue)

Modération: Jacques Moriau (sociologue, Metices - ULB)

Partnership : Comité de vigilance en travail social [Social Work Watchdog Committee] / Fédération des travailleurs de rue [Federation of Street Workers] (Traces de rue)

Certain neighborhoods and certain populations that have been relegated, stigmatized, put at risk and penalized are suffering from a lack of recognition and citizenship. How do we come to grips with the urban questions as a vector of social struggle, in the face of certain city policies that lead to political sanitizing? Are public education and community social work the best ways to bring people back to politics?