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KVS > Bol

La nef des fous

Eric D’Agostino & Patrick Lemy 2014 • BE• 75’ • Fr St Nl

Avant-première belge / Partenariat: Neon Rouge Production.


In the psychiatric wing of Forest prison, the prisoners have been found not to be responsible for their crimes, but still they are serving their sentences. Awaiting a cure? With what treatments? For how long? With what hope of reintegration into society? This film plunges us into the heart of prison cells and the people who live in them. They confide their innermost thoughts and share with us some of their forgotten humanity. One wonders sometimes what they are doing there...

Preceded by the short film Enter The Balance (9’) by Michael Pirard & Pascale Schaer  Patiently using the magic of balance, Brussels natives practice an unimaginable art: making stones stand up under the force of gravity alone. This unique, off-beat form of street art makes passers-by take notice and sends them on a mystical journey of time, space and possibility. Incredible!
Followed by a discussion with the filmmakers, Paul Cosyns (psychiatre) and protagonists of the film.