©Richard Dumas
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Online PresaleThéâtre National

Théatre National > Grande Salle

SALIF KEITA is the crown prince of Mandinka music, which he helped open up to influences from other musical styles (rock, jazz, folk, Latino, Middle Eastern) and to popularize on stages all around the world. For the past 40 years, he has enjoyed a highly successful musical career thanks to his stage presence, his voice and his artistic talent as a singer-songwriter, which have won over the hearts of audiences and the ears of world music lovers. In the midst of a European tour for his latest album La Différence, winner of the World Music Album of the Year at the 2010 Victoires de la Musique (French music awards), SALIF KEÏTA will be performing at the Festival des Libertés for the first time. A one-of-a-kind concert event to mark on the calendar.

A  Bruxelles Laïque asbl  organisation  |  Tel: +32 2 289 69 00  |  In collaboration with Unie Vrijzinnige Verenigingen, Théâtre National and KVS  |  info@festivaldeslibertes.be

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