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Théatre National > Salle J. Huisman

Les Meurtres de Cradock

David Forbes & Michel Noll

FR • 2010 • 52'
vo/ov FR • st/ond NL

Since the end of the racist regime in South Africa in 1991, Nelson Mandela has been perceived as the lone hero in the fight against Apartheid. Another media deception? Matthew Goniwe, a young math professor and strategist for a resistance movement copied throughout the country before his assassination by South African Security Forces, could claim the same glory. Forgotten, like Steve Biko or Winnie Mandela, he is given the credit he deserves in this film, which helps audiences understand the oppressive climate of that sombre racist regime.

A  Bruxelles Laïque asbl  organisation  |  Tel: +32 2 289 69 00  |  In collaboration with Unie Vrijzinnige Verenigingen, Théâtre National and KVS  |  info@festivaldeslibertes.be

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