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Théatre National > Studio

D’autres mondes en chantier 3.0

Other Worlds 3.0

Forum with actors involved in Agricovert, Cyclopérativa, Ecole des Arts Populaires, Groupe d’épargne Arc-en-Ciel, Humana Terre, Repair Café de Molembeek and resource persons around the issue of the social and citizen economy: Bernard Bayot (Réseau Financement alternatif [Alternative Financing Network]), XXX (Solidarité des Alternatives wallonnes et bruxelloises - SAW-B [Solidarity of Walloon and Brussels Alternatives]), Salvatore Vetro (asbl Terre).

Partnership : Quinoa, a Meeting of the Continents

Creating other possibilities besides the dominant economic system is the common ground among the grassroots initiatives meeting for this round table. From improvised solutions to cooperatives, can these other worlds in development eventually become real alternatives to the commodification of the planet?