Théatre National > Studio
Prison Activism: Here and Elsewhere
In French
With Françoise Tulkens (former CEDH judge), Manu Lambert (Human Rights League), Jean Bérard (historian, co-author of "80.000 détenus en 2017 ? Réforme et dérive de l’institution pénitentiaire" [80,000 prisoners in 2017? Reform and deviation in the penitentiary]), Luk Vervaet (former educator in prisons), Cedric Tolley (workshop leader in prisons, Passe muraille, Bruxelles laïque), Clémence Michoux (Genepi), Olivier Cueto (L’envolée)
Partnership : La Fondation d’assistance morale aux détenus [Foundation for moral support for the incarcerated], la Ligue des droits de l’Homme [Human Rights League], Observatoire International des prisons [International Prison Observatory].
The reports of the damaging effects of prison keep coming, but no matter, it is persisting and spreading. Is amnesia one of the conditions for recreating the prison solution? The history of the different forms of prison activism may strengthen those of tomorrow. Must activism be radical or reformist? Can it be deployed within the prison system? From political battles to legal battles - what does history pass on?