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Mouvement des sans-papiers: chaos et cohésion

Movement of the undocumented; chaos and unity

In French

Associations, groups, collectivesand activists are fighting immigration policy. However, the trends are not positive. The time has come to identify the impediments to solidarity and coordination of the documented or undocumented migrant movement, particularly when it comes to relationships among the movement's various factions, and to find a way out.

Forum autour de Abdel (SPBelgique), Selma Ben Kheilifa (Progresslawyers network et Kids parlement), Stefany Pellen (Secours catholique, France), Fred Mawet (Cire), un membre de la Crer et Anne Tiesen (citizen committed to professional and activist levels). Co-animation : El Bachir Barrou (Nomad’s land).

Partnership : SPBelgique.