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Théatre National > Studio

L’art se défilera-t-il ?

Will art disengage?

In French

Access to the production and contemplation of art is subject to economic realities. How do we resist commercialization? What are the responsibilities of citizens and public authorities? What is the artist's place between survival and voluntary simplicity? How can people gain access to art? What of the subversive power of art, whether caught in or freed from capitalist control?

With ElsRochette (Globe Aromorvzw), Jovie Mafuta (Rassemblart asbl) and Simon Decante (Werledmuziek Netwerk). Co-led by: Kris Kaerts (director, Crossing, Kaputt).

A gathering interspersed with artistic creations and performances, with Marta Meix and Anouk Butagowski (aerial silk), Khalid (tightrope), Jonas Mertens (music and Circassian jam) and Damien Fortan (improv and animation).

Partnership : Rassemblart asbl.