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La peine résout-elle le trouble social ?


The justice system holds a monopoly on the response to all disobedience of the law. But does it manage to ensure that all laws are followed and that any problematic situations are resolved? Should other methods of regulating crimes and conflicts, better suited to maintaining social cohesion, be explored? But first we must rid ourselves of the penal system’s blinders, of the obsession with punishment or vengeance and of the urge to control everything…

With Tony Ferri  (philosopher, author of Qu’est ce que punir ? Du châtiment à l’hypersurveillance (2012)), Dan Kaminski (criminologist, professor at UCL, author of Pénalité, management, innovation (2010) and Condamner, to be published in 2015), Françoise Vanhamme (criminologist, professor at the University of Ottawa, editor of “Justice !” Entre pénalité et socialité vindicatoire (2011)).