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Théatre National > Studio

Engagements anonymes

Théâtre National - FR

Being committed as a subject of political protests traditionally involves taking a personal risk that curbs speech. Practising anonymity, going on the run or challenging one's nationality as the state controls our involvement will invite us to reinvent the art of rebellion as political subjectivity, which is often confined to out-of-date verbal categories. In the age of Internet freedom, exposed State secrets, faulty system and new anonymous methods of activism, we analyse these "new" democratic battles that are more current, lateral and neutral, meaning that energies can be multiplied without the risk of an exaggerated repression.

With Geoffroy de Lagasnerie (philosophe, auteur de L’art de la révolte. Assange, Manning, Snowden (2015)) and Amaelle Guiton (journaliste, auteure de Hackers, au cœur de la résistance numérique (2013)).