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Remine, el ultimo movimiento obrero

Marcos Merino • ES • 2014 • 101’ • VO/OV st Fr/Nl


May 2012, Asturias. When the Spanish government announced that they were going to close down the Oviedo coalmines, thousands of miners started an all-out strike, determined to change the course of events. Confrontations with the police, demonstrations in Madrid, blocked roads: a battle and a fit of anger that later spread across Spain bubbles before our very eyes.

New Waves Non Fiction Section Award, Seville European Film Festival, 2014 • Best Documentary Award, Festival de la Memoria (Mexico), 2014 • Public Award, Cineuropa (Spain), 2014.
Suivi d’une rencontre avec Michel Claus (ancien mineur et actuellement guide à la mine de Blégny Trembleur).
Partenariat : Blegny-Mine asbl.