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Théatre National > Studio

Autosupport et autres pratiques collectives

Journée d'enquête politique

10h30 > 17h30

Théâtre National

In an increasingly insecure society boasting reinforced control logic and where those who break the mould are looked upon with suspicion and/or are made weaker, how can we recover the ability to react of inhabitants, professionals, activists, and "users”? How can we thwart the false promises induced by concepts as void as they are tempting, such as "activation" or "social innovation"? And what if new experiments that dodge resist and fight cuts in welfare and health institutions were to come from the fringes of society? Backing our political developments, we share these ideas, which go back to setting up experiences and mobilize a social vision that rejects allocating places included as unique experiences.

Avec le Réseau français sur l’entente de voix (REV), Ding ding dong (institut de coproduction de savoir sur la maladie de Huntington), Asud (Autosupport des usagers de drogues). Journée animée par les participants de l’Atelier d’enquête politique (initié par Bruxelles Laïque).
Registration is free but compulsory ( Limited number of places available.