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Théatre National > Studio

Sans-papiers, héritiers de Rosa Parks ?

Fr • 90’

Rosa Parks' struggle is often presented as the initiative of a small, courageous lady. It was, of course, a lot more than that; it was the result of a political and strategic reflection led by a group of resistance fighters who opposed the segregation policies that reigned over the United States in the 1950s. Based on the idea that great principles can only come to life if small victories are won first, their strategy appeared to have pay off and to help disrupt extremely reactionary social orders. So could it be successfully transposed to the struggle of undocumented immigrants today?

Avec Selma Benkhelifa (avocate à Progress lawyers network, spécialiste du droit des étrangers), Mamadou Bobo Diallo (porte-parole de la Coordination des Sans Papiers de Belgique), Saïd El Louisi (rédacteur du Journal sans papier), Miamouna Bah (Comité des femmes sans-papiers) et des membres du Nimis Groupe.