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Théatre National > Foyer

États d’urgences identitaires

Fr • 120’

In reaction to high-profile events linked to issues of identity and security, emergency political plans have been drawn up at local level. But what impact are they having on the identities of neighbourhoods and young people? Do states of emergency compatible with identity, with guaranteeing social, economic and political rights in an increasingly diverse and unequal society? How can these multiple identities be made into a strength rather than a source of despair?

Forum autour des jeunes du médialab, Muriel Sacco (doctorante, experte des politiques publiques et de la mobilisation des acteurs privés dans les projets de développement urbain), Vital Marage (chargé de projet « relations interculturelles et accueil primo-arrivants » de la commune d’Anderlecht), Rachid Benzine (islamologue, politologue français) et Jacinthe Mazzocchetti (anthropologue, experte des migrations et des constructions identitaires en contexte de mondialisation). Modération : Aude Garelly (consultante en politiques sociales, ancienne directrice de l’Agence Alter).
This encounter will be interspersed with capsules of work in progress by the team of young people from Medialab, following their intercultural tour of Cureghem and its workshops. The participants will react to the capsules and to the young people's words.

Partenariat : Agence alter avec le médialab de BruXitizen (étudiants de l’ISFSC & Université de St-Louis et Bondy Blog Bruxelles).