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Théatre National > Grande Salle

Urgences et défis alimentaires

Vandana Shiva

EN / FR - traduction simultanée • 120’

The conference is free and there is no registration system. Come just in time to be sure of a place.

The threat to the rural lifestyle and food sovereignty call for a degree of urgency and for answers, both sustainable and global. What are the effects of alternatives for the relocalisation of the economy and of resistance to the agro-business model on people in the South, who are often included against their will in a globalised economy? Will the relocalisation of the economy help to create fairer relationships between peoples and communities, or are we in fact forced to accelerate output rates within the current model in order to feed the planet?

Une conférence de Vandana Shiva (écrivaine écologiste et féministe, directrice de la Fondation de la recherche pour la science, les technologies et les ressources naturelles, prix Nobel alternatif en 1993, auteure de Le terrorisme alimentaire (2001)). Discutante : Virginie Pissoort (responsable de campagne et de plaidoyer à SOS Faim).

Partenaria(a)t : SOS Faim et des associations membres du Réseau de soutien à l’agriculture paysanne (FIAN, CNCD-11.11.11, Rencontre des Continents, Quinoa, Oxfam Solidarité)