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Théatre National > Studio

Prochain arrêt – Gattaca : Bienvenue ?

Fr • 120’

The pace of technological advances just keeps on gathering. The next few years could see a turning point that will change human nature itself. We’re talking about transhumanism, but is it a hedonistic quest or free-market utilitarianism? Who is benefiting from these advances? What is the place for liberty, dignity and thought in this post-human world? Will the promised physical and intellectual blossoming come at the price of subjecting human behaviours and desires to the standards of machines?

Avec Jean-Michel Besnier (philosophe, auteur de Demain, les post-humains. Le futur a-t-il encore besoin de nous ? (2009)), Didier Coeurnelle (juriste, vice-président de l’AFTTechnoprog, co-président de Healthy Life Extension Society) et Zak Allal (médecin, musicien, représentant francophone de la Singularity University). Modération: Jean Cornil (chargé d'études chez PAC).

Partenariat: Présence et Action Culturelles.