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Théatre National > Foyer

Dettes illégitimes et mobilisations intègres

Fr • 120’

On 17 October 1987, Thomas Sankara was assassinated, just a few weeks after giving a controversial speech at the UN. In 2014, following a popular uprising, Blaise Compaoré was forced to resign after more than 27 years. Starting from these two events in Burkina Faso and their aftermath, what can we say about African social movements and their claims against the perverse system of debt that has bogged the South down for nearly a century?

Avec Rasmane Zinaba (militant burkinabé, membre du Balai Citoyen), Rémi Villain (membre du Comité pour l’annulation des dettes illégitimes) et Morgane Wirtz (journaliste indépendante parcourant l’Afrique de l’Ouest depuis 2007, coauteure de Une jeunesse africaine en quête de changement, GRIP, 2017).

Partenaria(a)t : Comité pour l’annulation des dettes illégitimes (CADTM).