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Théatre National > Studio

La coopération: une nécessité un chemin

Fr • 120’

Today, cooperation and emerging new forms of organisation and governance are the elements of a new paradigm. In what way might the transformation of organisations - economic, cultural, non-governmental, etc. - constitute a powerful lever for necessary change in society? What change in posture does this involve? What conditionings should be called into question in our relations with power in order to develop a culture of cooperation?

Forum autour de Damien Drossart (SMart), Quentin Crespel (Bees coop), Mario Heukemes (Courant d’air). Discutante : Barbara Garbarczyk (SAW-B, Fédération d’économie sociale), Bruno Frère (chercheur au FNRS sur les formes d’engagement). Modération : Sébastien Kennes (Rencontres des continents).

Partnership : Rencontres des continents, Quinoa asbl, SAWB.