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Théatre National > Studio

Terrorisme : le retour du nihilisme ?

Olivier Roy

Fr • 120

Olivier Roy is an essential figure in the public debate on Islam and religion in the contemporary world. In contrast with cultural and religious explanations, his major contribution to the debate on the interpretation of jihadism is to approach the current paths to radicalisation as a form of nihilism. “Death is at the very heart of the individual terrorist and jihadist project”. ISIS offers its young volunteers a narrative in which the suicide attack is an end in itself, playing on the fear of Islam in the West.

Lecture of Olivier Roy (directeur de recherche au CNRS et professeur à l'Institut universitaire européen de Florence, politologue spécialiste réputé de l’Islam, et agrégé en philosophie, auteur e.a de La laïcité face à l’Islam (2005), La Peur de l’islam (2015) ; Le Djihad et la mort (2016)). Moderator : Myriem Amrani (Dakira asbl)

This lecture continues the cycle of encounters with eminent specialists on the issue, started in 2016: Jihad: The Impossibility of Understanding?

Partnership: Dakira asbl