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Théatre National > Studio

Les canaris post-modernes ?

Fr • 120

The latest creation of a new, free-market, utilitarian language, a new way of describing an eternal human malaise or the expression of new forms of malaise: whatever it is, the phenomenon of burnout is sounding an alarm. What does the burnout of an entire society say? What relations do these burnouts have with work and with the world? Aren’t these modern-day canaries in the coal mine just enacting a form of mental health in a society that has fallen ill from excess?   

With Patrick Mesters (psychiatre, directeur de l’Institut européen de recherche et intervention sur le Burn-Out), Jérôme Lemaire (réalisateur de Burning out (2017) and Manoë Jacquet (chargée de mission pour la Plate-forme pour la promotion de la santé des femmes).