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Islam, djihadisme et les gauches

Fr • 120’

Since 2014, Western societies have questioned the roots of jihadism. How does the Left tackle these strictly religious aspects? Is it capable of understanding the mobilising power of transcendence and analyse the explosion of fundamentalism? And what if, faced with the West’s extreme tension over religious issues, certain European Muslims were minimising the strictly religious side of jihadism? Why is it when killers invoke Allah to spread terror in Brussels or Paris, the Belgian Left, the socialist French president and the representatives of the Muslim faith keep hammering in unison that these attacks have nothing to do with Islam?

With Jean Birnbaum (Journaliste, auteur d’Un silence religieux. La gauche face au djihadisme (2016)), Alain Gresh (Journaliste, directeur du journal Orient XXI) et Ghaleb Bencheik (Islamologue, auteur de Petit manuel pour un islam à la mesure des hommes (2018) et producteur de l’émission Questions d’islam sur France Culture). Modératrice : Myriem Amrani (Dakira).
Partenariat : Dakira asbl