Sooner or later, every anti-establishment, protest, citizen, and political movement or collective is faced with the issue of taking power. Is it really what they want? Can they do without it? For the citizen initiatives and sometimes-subversive movements, what is the risk of becoming what they are fighting? Do they still believe that by taking power, they can change the world? How can it be done?
With : Eric Toussaint, (porte-parole du Comité pour l’abolition des dettes illégitimes (CADTM), coordinateur scientifique de la commission d’audit de la dette grecque instituée par la Présidente du parlement hellénique en 2015), Mathieu Potte- Bonneville (philosophe, spécialiste de l’œuvre de Michel Foucault, auteur de Recommencer (2018)), Ariane Estenne (féministe, experte en éducaption permanente) et Alex Merlo (assistant au Parlement européen pour Podemos).
Partenariat: Formation Education Culture asbl