© Irina Klyuchnikova
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Post-politique : tribale ou humaniste ?

Fr • 120’

When we hear people talk about post-politics, it's natural to wonder if these aren’t just the old formulas being passed off as new. This is true both for the post-truth era and our obsession with "governance" as it is for the growing chasm of identity grouping that is threatening our staid democracy. Convergences, alliances, confrontations – how do we engage the humanist and the tribalist perspectives in a dialogue?

With: Alexis Carré (philosophe, doctorant à l’ENS), Achaïso Ambali (journaliste et activiste afroféminine), François Boucher (Philosophe, chercheur post-doctoral à l'Université Paris 1) et Nour Benghellab (Chargée de cours, Université du Québec à Montréal). Modération : John Pitseys (Philosophe,CRISP)
Partnership : Formation Education Culture (FEC)