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Désordre dans le genre, chaos dans la nation ?

Fr • 120’

The rise to power of conservative leaders is being accompanied by a resurgence in measures in favour of a conventional sexual hierarchy. In the name of tradition or the nation, LGBTQI+ sexual freedoms and rights, the right to abortion and gender equality are all being called into question. Have issues of sexuality and gender become a main focus of nationalist rhetoric? And even of international relations? How are these issues being weaponised and what response can be given to this change of tack?

With: Sonia Corrêa (Sexuality Policy Watch), Eric Fassin (sociologue, Université Paris VIII), Sara Garbagnoli (chercheuse à l’Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3) et David  Paternotte  (professeur  de sociologie, ULB). Modération : Charlotte Pezeril (Observatoire du sida et des sexualités, USL).
Partnership: Observatoire du sida et des sexualités, Université Saint-Louis - Bruxelles et Atelier Genre(s) et Sexualité(s), Université libre de Bruxelles.