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Traduction :

entre solidarité et responsabilité

Fr • 120’


The translation of works by racialised authors by non-racialised people is one question, among others, that asks about the relationship between language and power. How and under what conditions does the translation of literary works allow (or prevent) a sense of solidarity to be developed between groups expressing themselves in different languages? Who is responsible for translating, and what can be translated in order to strengthen social cohesion and international solidarity? When translating between languages used in warring communities or societies, what opportunities are there to repair ties?

With: Gisèle Sapiro (sociologue, directrice du Centre européen de sociologie et de science politique de la Sorbonne, autrice de Peut-on dissocier l'œuvre de l'auteur ?), Isolda Morillo (journaliste, autrice et traductrice sino-péruvienne), Celestina Jorge Vindes (fondatrice de Pépite Blues, espace culturel et librairie à Bruxelles) et David Charlier (président et confondateur de DaarDaar).