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Le travail perd la tête :

Stratégies, résistances et solidarités.


Fr • 120’


Labour is a central theme in the history of capitalism. While the wage landscape remains dominant, it is increasingly being called into question by both employers and employees. So, what will become of employer strategies and how can employee solidarity be organised? In light of new technologies, subcontracting and uberisation, how can we reinvent labour laws and/or consider the emancipation of employees?

With: Anne Dufresne (sociologue, Gresea et auteure de Travailleurs de plateforme. La lutte pour les droits dans l’économie numérique (2021)), Juan Sebastián Carbonell (sociologue (ENS Paris-Saclay) et auteur du livre Le futur du travail (2022)) et Esteban Martinez (sociologue, directeur du centre Metices (ULB)).

Partnership: Gresea

From the sidelines of this debate, the editorial staff of Medor magazine will launch one of their next investigations, live from the Festival, with input from the audience. It will be looking at working conditions in organic supermarkets. This sector offers a new food production and consumption model, but has it missed an opportunity to reinvent its workforce? Is working in an organic supermarket really better than working in a classic supermarket? What different models, pitfalls, and innovations are coming out of this rapidly growing sector? If you have any information, experiences, or food for thought for us, share them at this session or contact us more discreetly at