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Écocide : une irresponsabilité organisée ?


Fr • 120’

In a world-economy that is exacerbating our planet's inhability, solidarity and responsibility are taking on new meanings. How can we approach the emergence of a social-ecological movement, name those responsible for this ongoing ecocide, and not lapse into anxiety or apathy, but rather face up to it by taking our part of the responsibility and living up to our power to transform?

With: Nicolas Van Nuffel (activiste, président de la Coalition Climat, responsable plaidoyer au CNCD-11.11.11), Louise Knops (politologue (UCL/VUB), administratrice à Etopia), et Maxime Combes (économiste et membre d’Attac, auteur de Sortons de l’âge des fossiles ! Manifeste pour la transition (2015)).