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Réactiver les communs du soin


Fr • 120’

Against the current backdrop of social fragmentation, how can forms of mutual aid be reactivated within and outside of healthcare institutions? How do we break out of the imbalance between the carers and the ‘cared for’? New forms of care could emerge everywhere; rather than caring for isolated individuals, we could care for connections and places, needed for the potential emergence of new communities.

With: Josep Rafanell i Orra (psychologue, écrivain, auteur de Pour en finir avec le capitalisme thérapeutique. Soin, politique et communauté (2011) et Fragmenter le monde (2017), Les Communaux)Maeva Musso (psychiatre, Underground psychiatry) et Eleni Alevanti (docteure en sciences sociales, intervenante en psychiatrie).

Partnership: Les Communaux