© Céline Chariot
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Théâtre de marionnettes


Une Tribu collectif
FR - 60'

A puppet does not think. It leads a life by proxy. A life of silent submission to others. But not the puppet in Pouvoir. Here, it decides to speak out and take matters into its own hands. It starts giving orders and demanding justice. Influenced as much by Joël Pommerat as by the English company Blind Summit and the world of German dancer Ilka Schönbein, Une Tribu collectif is a touching and funny show that opens up the field of possibilities through the imagination. Are we really capable of freeing ourselves from our bonds?

Coprésentation Festival des Libertés, Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles.
Creation : Une Tribu collectif ; Conception, direction, acting and manipulation of the puppet : Cécile Maidon, Noémie Vincart, Michel Villée ; Light design : Caspar Langhoff ; Sound designer, composition: Alice Hebborn; Dramaturgical and puppetry look: Pierre Tual; Creator of the puppet and scenography: Valentin Périlleux; Sound and light operator: Margaux Fontaine; Touring : Louise Mestrallet; Production : Une Tribu collectif asbl; Coproduction : La Balsamine, Le Sablier – Centre National de la Marionnette - Ifs et Dives-sur-Mer, L’Hectare - Centre National de la Marionnette-Vendôme, Le Théâtre de Laval - Centre National de la Marionnette Aide Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles – Service du Théâtre.

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