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Modernité : braises et feux follets


Fr • 120’

Are the words of the Enlightenment and emancipation (secularism, liberalism, and socialism) still relevant when it comes to thinking about social movements and the fight against authoritarian and reactionary excesses? In an age associated with the end of ideologies and religions, are we more likely to be caught up in new forms of domination? Do we need to reinvent or update the fight against dominance?

Avec Jean-Yves Pranchère (professeur de théorie politique à l’ULB, co-auteur de Les droits de l’homme rendent-ils idiots ?, 2019), Isabelle Kersimon (journaliste, essayiste, autrice de Les mots de la haine. Glossaire des mots de l’extrême-droite, 2023) et Albert Ogien (sociologue, auteur de Émancipations. Luttes minoritaires, luttes universelles ? 2023).

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