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Féminiser l’Humanisme, humaniser le soin et soigner l’humain.

Fr • 120’

Engaging in a caregiving profession, living in an environment that values this approach, or using art to support political struggles: these three dimensions complement and reinforce each other. What political project is hidden behind the importance given to care? What model of society could emerge from this consideration? In a world where human vulnerability guides societal choices, what types of social relations could emerge? This debate invites reflection on these questions to imagine a more humane and solidaristic future.

Avec Angela Vasquez (déléguée syndicale dans le secteur des titres services- CCAS (CSC)), Chloé Salembier (Angela D, habitat groupé féministe), Victoria Lewuillon (artiste, collectif Nyctalopes), Mara Montanaro (philosophe et chercheuse, Université Paris 8 ).
Partenariat : CIEP.B/Moc Bruxelles, Rencontre des Continents.