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Online PresaleThéâtre National

Théatre National > Grande Salle

Les Ogres de Barback


An Ogres de Barback gig is a wild adventure for family and friends infused with the hallmark of freedom: the freedom of musical inventiveness and the mixing of influences, from Pierre Perret to Bérurier Noir, with a smattering of gypsy culture to boot; the freedom of poetic and political daring; the freedom of career control with no compromise; the nomadic freedom of ‘migrating birds’ crisscrossing regions, spreading desires and insurgence. The Ogres are the gatekeepers of an engaging and tolerant world where tribute is paid to the humble, the small and their dented destinies, where tales are told of slices of family life, aborted love affairs, the bitterness of disillusion, but also the power of hope. The magical presentation of their shows and the energy of these multi-instrumental artists make for an unforgettable party.