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Théatre National > Salle J. Huisman

Generation Kunduz

Martin Gerner • DE/AF • 2011 • 80’

VO/OV Dari, Pashtu sub Fr/Nl

At Kunduz, we meet an Afghan generation torn between the fear of Taliban attacks and the consequences of the foreign military presence. Ten-year-old Mirwais talks about war and peace like an adult. Nazanin, a local journalist, fights for women’s rights while wearing a burka. Hasib, a student, dreams of free elections. Ghulam and Khatera are making their fictional film in the midst of an armed conflict. In spite of everything, all five protagonists dream of a better society.

Winner, DEFA award Dok, Leipzig (Germany), 2011
Grand Prix of the Jury, Shanghai TV Festival, 2012
Best feature Documentary, Augenweide Festival, Germany 2012

Followed by an audience with the film director (En).