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Théatre National > Studio

Semences, cheval de Troie de l’agro-industrie


Monsanto and its GMO seeds is just the tip of the iceberg in an agro-industry that has perverted the farming profession, transformed the way we eat and destroyed numerous jobs and landscapes. By placing the land and wealth into the hands of shareholders, the agro-foodstuff empire has primarily served an ultra-minority. Nonetheless, small-scale farming is still vibrant, continuing to feed the majority of people in the South, while in the North, the networks for its revitalisation are growing stronger by the day. Join us for an enthusiastic plunge into this hotbed of diversity.

Forum involving representatives from the member organisations of the Réseau de Soutien à l’Agriculture Paysanne (ReSAP): Stéphane Desgain (CNCD-11.11.11) Ariane Ghion (Kokopelli), Jacques Vellut (Ekta Parishad, a non-violent movement fighting for rights to natural resources for the most deprived people in India), Jeanne Verlinden (Via Campesina/Mouvement d’Action Paysanne).
Moderator: Sébastien Kennes, Rencontre des Continents, member of ReSAP

Partnership: CNCD-11.11.11, Rencontre des Continents, ReSAP

The debate will be introduced by the film Bitter Seeds