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Théatre National > Salle J. Huisman

Sur les toits

Nicolas Drolc • FR • 2013 • 95’ • Fr st Nl

Podcast discussion

What happened in French prisons between September 1971 and the end of 1972? For the first time ever, prisoners initiated collective rebellions, took control of their prisons, occupied the roofs and communicated their demands by speaking directly to the crowd. Out of the 35 riots that occurred, two stood out: the first at Toul prison in early December 1971, and the second, barely a month later and just 40 km away, at Charles III detention centre in the centre of Nancy. As told by those who lived through, started, suppressed and defended these uprisings: the rioters of Nancy prison, a former guard at Toul prison, leading Paris barrister Henri Leclerc, the sociologist Daniel Defert, and the former prisoner, writer and activist Serge Livrozet.

Followed by a discussion with Nicolas Drolc (filmmaker), Laurent Jacqua (activist, former prisoner,  blog “vue sur prison”) and Jean-Marc Rouillan (activist, former prisoner, author of Chroniques carcérales (2003-2007) and Infinitif présent (2010)).