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Théatre National > Salle J. Huisman

The Square

Jehane Noujaim
EG/USA • 2013. • 108’ • VO/OV st Fr/Nl

Understanding the Egyptian revolution, its fall-out and its current issues involves taking a step back from the daily news, getting out into the field and meeting people one on one. Khalid, an actor who came back from London for the struggle; Magdy, a Muslim Brother torn between power and revolution; Ahmed, a key activist in the fall of Mubarak; Ragia, a lawyer on the front lines; Aida, a politically engaged journalist... The events of January 2011 to July 2013 are revisited by those who forged and filmed them.

Best documentary film, IDA Awards, 2013
Preceded by a screening of the short film Le mur vous demande : ça va? (Wall Asks: Okay?) (3’) by Ahmed Hermassi. A sly look at wall art in Tunisia: a wall keeps changing as garbage piles up and graffiti messages overlap.