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Théatre National > Foyer

Des émeutes urbaines à prendre au sérieux.

Théâtre National - FR

Ten years after the French suburb riots, have we genuinely assessed the events that took place? What is the current situation of these outcast areas? What social, educational, cultural and security measures were implemented after the protests? Were the voices of those "forgotten by the Republic" heard or are they using other forms of expression? How can this social phenomenon be explained? What does this say about the state of our democracies? What about Brussels? 

With Laurent Bonelli (sociologue, auteur de La machine à punir (2001) et La France a peur (2008)), Fabienne Brion (professeure en criminologie à l’UCL, auteure de nombreux articles et recherches sur la discrimination, la criminalisation des classes populaires, l’islamologie, la pensée de Foucault), Ahmed Ouâmara (travailleur social, SOS Jeunes - Quartier Libre), Touria Aziz (travailleuse sociale, asbl D'Broej).