What can the citizen-consumer do to promote sustainable food chains? Shops with farm products, organic baskets, community buying groups, community gardens, seed banks… initiatives are being developed to fill the widening gap between consumers and the people who feed them. The goal of this meeting is to let people know about different initiatives and the choices offered to us, including when we are city dwellers, to promote healthy eating that helps farmers and the environment.
Thierry Kesteloot (specialist in agricultural issues,
Oxfam-Solidarité; Groupe d’Achat Solidaire de Jette),
Lucrèce Monneret (
Réseau des Jardins et fermes solidaires Wallonie Bruxelles asbl),
Kari Stévenne (
Le début des haricots asbl),
Ariane Lion (
Kokopelli Belgium).
Tasting of farm and regional produce by Saveurs Paysannes. Preceded by a visit to a collective garden in Ixelles, self-managed by a group of voluntary resident gardeners.
Meet up at 3:30 pm rue Gray - Ixelles
Partners : Réseau des Jardins et Fermes Solidaires Wallonie Bruxelles asbl, Saveurs paysannes.