saturday 10 | 16:30 | FREE
The invasion of the super-normals and the resistance of the man-moles
textual and iconographic research, the present and the past, the performance
questions the way in which the "super-normals" (super on screen, anonymous
in their daily life) have invaded the world of comics, but, also of fiction,
reality shows and, in general, daily life.
The normal does not impose its superiority without damning what is
different and thus trivializes forms of racism.
By Action
30, union of graphic designers, illustrators, photographers, journalists,
philosophers and activists which deciphers the new forms of fascism in the
light of the 30´s. With Pierangelo Di Vittorio (philosopher at the
Università di Bari, member of Psichiatria Democratica, author of works on
Foucault and Basaglia), Mariella Genchi (psychologist at A.S.L. de Bari, member
of Psichiatria Democratica) and Giuseppe Palumbo (professor at the Ecole
Internationale de bande dessinée à Florence, illustrator, author of BD such as
Journal d’un fou (Diary of a Fool)(Rackham éd.).