3 Workshops
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SATURDAY 3 | 10:00 > 17:00 | FREE
3 Workshops

Throughout the day, self-expression workshops are offered, with a common thread of initiation to various methods of collective expression to learn to say the just and the unjust: the conquest of democracy, it´s the conquest of the right to declare one´s rights.

Limited space available. Reservations required 02/ 289 69 00

Creative politics workshop

Joyfully upset the status quo, educate others about our revolution through simple and attention grabbing public actions to collectively require another to change...This workshop offers reflection and, above all, active and inventive steps to concretely employ the creative political potential in each individual and group. With Majo Hansotte, author of a work entitled Les Intelligences citoyennes (Citizens Intelligences)(De Boeck, 2005). (max 30 personnes)

Theatrical workshop on freedoms

Theater is a favorite means of expressing both dreams and revolutions.
In the program: exchange of ideas on the theme “our individual and collective freedoms, brakes and utopias”, writing, improvisation, symbolism, production and various games… No prerequisite. Notice for amateurs!
With Pierre Lambotte (Zetetic/Skeptic Theatre) (max 15 people)

Slam workshop

A meeting of theater, urban poetry and rap, the slam is a new way of saying, of speaking and of writing for the pleasure of the senses and sounds. With Maky, Lézards urbains (Urban Lizards). Age 18 and over (max 10 persons)

5:15 pm Presentation of the productions of the various workshops in session