saturday 3 | 20:00 | 3€
Praise of Conflict
Miguel BENASAYAG et Angélique DEL REY
In the super-developed societies of the West, pseudo-conflicts are no longer permitted in which the minority position must align itself with the majority. More and more, protesters and dissidents seem to depend on the “abnormal”. Displaying the illusions of “zero tolerance” like those of “universal peace”, Miguel Benasayag and Angélique del Rey have explored the roots and absurdity of this new ideology. For them, it is to refuse the richness of living together, to deny the multiple conflicts born of diversity.
Miguel Benasayag, philosopher and psychoanalyst, animates the collective Despite everything. Militant researcher, he is the author of numerous works, among which Résister, c’est créer (To Resist is to Believe) in collaboration with Florence Aubenas (Editions La Découverte, 2002) and La fragilité (Fragility)(Editions La Découverte, 2004). Angélique del Rey is a professor of philosophy.