Video of the day

tuesday 6 | 21:40 | FREE
Security spiral and scapegoats
In El Salvador, the United State, France or Belgium, the subjects of insecurity and juvenile delinquency and urban gangs are instrumentalized by numerous politicians and often become sources of electoral support.  Do security policies bring real solutions?
Shouldn´t we be more concerned with the true sources of social unrest?

With Karen Bähr Caballero (Institute od Development Studies– UCL, research on the violence inflicted on women in public spaces), Mohammed Marwan (doctor of sociology, CESDIP, author of a thesis on the role of the family in the formation of youth gangs), Carla Nagels (professor of criminology - ULB, author of Jeunes et violence: une rencontre programmée par la crise de solidarité (Youth and Violence: A programmed meeting on the crisis of solidarity ) , Bruylants, 2005).