saturday 10 | 15:00 | FREE
Precarious creativity - if work became precarious, life would become richer
“précaires” resist the dwindling of their professional rights and resources,
organize themselves in unions, implementing new forms of sociability,
developing life projects. From their questioning of the society of work and
consumption, they formulate new claims, such as the right to a guaranteed
With Eric
Collard (Flexblues Collective in Liege), Alex
Foti (founder of Euromayday), Zoé Romano (Chainworkers network in Milan), Yannick
Vanderborght (political scientist FUSL, coauthor, with Philippe Van Parijs
of L'allocation universelle (Universal Allocation), La Découverte, 2005.) and Felipe Vankersbilk (CNE).
partnership with the Human Rights League who awarded the Régine Orfinger-Karlin
2006 Award to “Bob le Précaire”, mascot of the Flexblues Collective.