Video of the day
foto event
FRIDAY 2 | 19:00 | 3€
Do it yourself
Eric Ledune
Animation - Belgian - 2007 - 13 min - VO (French)

Instructions for a successful "interrogation". Based upon the idea, widespread amount ¨professionals¨ of the art, that “if you don´t violate human rights once in a while, you´re probably doing your job wrong.” The animator will be present.

Followed by :

foto event
Silence on torture
Antoine Plantevin
Swiss - 30 min - 2005 - VO (French)

One Swiss against the CIA : Dick Marty, elected by the European Council, manages a difficult investigation on the scandal of clandestine prisons.  State Secret obliged, he crashes against the walls of silence.
Are European governments accomplices in the torture? Why does Switzerland persist in keeping silent?