sunday 19 | 20:00 | FREE
School and the forbidden, a question of authority
Flagey - Foyer 1
School, a place to learn but also, explicitly or implicitly, a place of culture, is the setting where, to a large extent, relations are forged to prohibitions and the authority that formulate them. A forum bringing together thinkers and actors from the field in order to examine the relationship between school and authority will offer an opportunity to address an aspect of the school question rarely debated. We will hear dissident points of view at a time where the trend is to restore the teacher’s authority.

With: Charlotte Nordmann (Secondary school philosophy professor and essayist, author of notably La Fabrique de l'impuissance 2. L'école, entre domination et émancipation (The factory of powerlessness, Paris, éditions Amsterdam, 2007). Benoit Toussaint (project Pédagogie Nomade). Charles Pepinster (Member of the Groupe Belge d’éducation nouvelle).