Un fils de notre temps tells the story of a young man at a loose end who makes a life-changing decision and joins the military. The fleeting vision of a young woman at the ticket window of a haunted castle influences the course of his destiny. Wounded and removed from combat, he then returns to his daily life. His desire to find this young woman again leads him on a long journey in a senseless pursuit of phantoms. This is a modern, mysterious tale punctuated with poetic, surreal visions that illustrate, with extraordinary insight, a society's shift toward embracing the ideology of war. Intriguing, profound and captivating.
Sound: Brice Cannavo / Lighting: Colin Legras / Costumes: Claire Farah / Video: Tomas Matauko / Stage design: Sophie Carlier / With: Philippe Grand'Henry, Vincent Hennebicq, Mathilde Lefèvre, Aline Mahaux, Luc Schiltz
A Bruxelles Laïque asbl organisation | Av. de Stalingrad, 18-20 1000 Bxl | Tel: +32 2 289 69 00 | In collaboration with Unie Vrijzinnige Verenigingen and Théâtre National | email