KVS > Bol
An unjustly neglected apostle of “militant reggae”, with a unique voice, PABLO MOSES is one of the legendary artists of Jamaican reggae. Rebel, revolutionary and orthodox Rasta, he has been influenced by the great thinkers of black consciousness such as Marcus Garvey, Martin Luther King and Steve Biko. A true artist of the stage, a remarkable performer, PABLO MOSES presents a melodious, lively and inspired style of reggae, with profound and sometimes mystical lyrics, enchanting harmonies and resolutely political accents.
A charismatic personality with multiple facets, musician, composer, poet, writer, producer, filmmaker, trade unionist and politician, LINTON KWESI JOHNSON is a legend of British reggae-dub. He has chosen the pen and microphone to stand up for justice, equality, liberty and rights. This struggle is shown in his political positions and in his songs, whose poetic power and musical force have completely revolutionised the genre. A true reference at Festival des Libertés, Linton Kwesi Johson is back for the third time, accompanied as always by his long-time collaborator on stage, Dennis Bovell and his Dub Band, for an evening of militant reggae-dub, groovy, full-throated, powerful and irresistible.
A double bill that is not to be missed!
A Bruxelles Laïque asbl organisation | Tel: +32 2 289 69 00 | In collaboration with deMens.nu, Théâtre National and the KVS | info@festivaldeslibertes.be