tuesday 27 | 20:30 | FREE

From the Cold War to Worldwide Guerrillas

- Discussion in French -

The Iron Curtain and the Soviet Block have disappeared, and international relations and geopolitical strategies have changed as a result. In what forms have these changes manifested? How are international political relations managed without the paradigm of two territorially identified blocks? How are the former Soviet countries, and Russia in particular, repositioning themselves? Can we speak of a unified world? What are the consequences, particularly in terms of security and armed conflict?

With Aude Merlin (Political Scientist and Lecturer at ULB, specialist in social and political affairs in the post-Soviet region), Didier Bigo (Associate Professor at SciencesPo. Paris, Director of the journal Cultures & Conflits, co-author of Au nom du 11 septembre, les démocraties à l'épreuve de l'antiterrorisme, La Découverte, 2008), and Georges Berghezan (Research Director at the GRIP, specialist in the Balkans, Caucasus, Central Africa and conflict development). Moderator: Thomas Berns (Philosopher, Pôle Bernheim Paix et Citoyenneté).

In partnership with Pôle Bernheim Paix & Citoyenneté and the journal Cultures & Conflits

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