Up Against a Wall? Sustainable Development In Question
- Discussion in French -
The alarm has been sounding for a long time. The Western development model is neither sustainable nor desirable. The darkest predictions have become a reality; the planet is dying and humanity risks extinction. We are up against a wall. But what wall? Why will we not stop pursuing destruction of all kinds? How can we escape this vicious cycle? Can human ingenuity find a solution for this unprecedented challenge?
With Jacques Testard (Agronomist, Biologist initiator of the first "test tube baby", Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale, author of Pour une éthique planétaire, Mille et une nuits, 1997 and Le vélo, le mur et le citoyen, Belin, 2006), and Alain Gras (Sociologist, Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, co-founder of Entropia, journal of theoretical and political research on growth reduction, author of Fragilité de la puissance, se libérer de l'emprise technologique, Fayard, 2003 and Le choix du feu - Aux origines de la crise climatique, Fayard, 2007).
In partnership with the Association d'Objecteurs de Croissance.
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