thursday 29 | 20:00 | FREE

Threats on Humanitarian Space

- Discussion in French -

How is aid for victims of humanitarian crises organised? What obstacles are encountered by activists in the field? How much manoeuvring room do they have? What are the real consequences for the recipients and humanitarian activists? The issues surrounding relations between humanitarian and military operations, the meeting point between these concepts and human rights, and the autonomy of humanitarian operations with respect to governments are often complicated or ambiguous. They deserve to be addressed.

With Johannes Luchner (DG Echo, Director of the Unit "Politique générale/01"); Pierre Apraxine (Assistant Delegation Director of the International Committee of the Red Cross); René Wagemans (Lieutenant Colonel of the Belgian Army, Humanitarian Crisis Response Unit); Michel Agier (Anthropologist, Research Director at the EHESS , Director of the Centre for African Studies, latest book published: Gérer les indésirables. Des camps de réfugiés au gouvernement humanitaire, Flammarion, November 2008). Moderator: Renaud Galand (Director of RCN, attorney, who participated in various missions for the Red Cross)

In partnership with the European Commission's DG Echo. Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO) - One of the main donors of humanitarian aid worldwide. Each year, through its partners, ECHO provides assistance to millions of humanitarian crisis victims outside the European Union. This aid is provided to victims impartially, irregardless of race, ethnic group, religion, sex, nationality or political affiliation.

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